A couple days ago I was offered a position at a business where they design and sell board games. Not the most glorious position, not designing games, but a wonderful atmosphere, and it looked like a good place to work.
I was also offered a job at a theatre, doing phone calling. Not very exciting at all, part time, almost on-call, but it's in my field.
I've been sort of rolling this around in my head a lot, and having trouble figuring out which direction to go with it.
My phone rang, it was the fella from the game shop. He was calling to check in with me. They needed me to fill out some forms, background checks and whatnot, before they could "Officially" offer me the job.
I wasn't 100% convinced of my decision, and sort of wanted another hour or two to mull it over, but here it was, I had to make the call.
I turned down the stable work, that was in a fun environment, with good people, and the discount to board games (I think that was the biggest pull..)
I feel a little weird about the whole thing, the guy sounded super disappointed, like he wanted to be upset, but I told him that I was offered a job in my field. Something I want. I think he understood, but it still puts them in a tough spot.
I don't know about you guys, whoever still reads this anymore, but when I grew up I was sort of conditioned to a lot of things.
Take a shower everyday.
Every meal needs to be 30-50% meat.
Hunting is a man's job, and he should love it.
And you're only successful if you're working 40 hrs a week, come home and bitch about how much you hate your job.
I take a shower every other day, because I like to save water, I had the food thing beaten out of me by three lady friends being vegetarian, vegan, and vegetarian in that order. I hate hunting, always have, but always sort of thought there was something wrong with me there, but the job thing. I guess I still haven't shaken that concept.
You're taught a lot of things that you don't even realize you're learning, and consequently you have unlearn some of those things later in life in order to grow as a human.
I had thought I had unlearned most of them.
Here I am facing another life lesson.
It's ok to not know what is happening, and to be scared. But it is never ok to be in a situation that you can get out of, that makes you unhappy.
Or doesn't make you happy enough.
There is a saying, "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence."
It's always sort of meant "Just be happy where you are. No sense pushing for more when there is always something better."
Fuck that.
In the sense of material wealth, sure I'll agree, there is always a bigger TV, or a nicer car. Be happy with what you have there and move on.
But when it comes to quality of the life lived, and your happiness within it, you'd better fucking believe I am ready to trespass on every fucker's lawn as I find the greenest grass I can in this world.
Don't settle for what sounds ok, when what sound good is a little scary.
Help will always come. There is always a solution. Always. You may have to swallow your pride a bit, but run for that greener grass.
Tastes like Happy,
Fuck you