I was in class with my high schoolers today, when I noticed that one of them had drawn the above on the marker board. I was so overcome with fear, that I had to take a minute out of my precious class time, to collect myself.
Just for a moment, imagine this with me, you're a person (hey that's easy!) and you're one of the few survivors from a zombie apocalypse. You're outdoors right now, probably looking for food. Don't worry to much about zombies, your team has been doing perimeter checks.
You slowly walk down the road, which has been overgrown with weeds and a few small trees in the three years since road maintenance came to a halt. As you carefully step around debris and part of a once burning wreck, you gently dislodge a small stone that clatters to the pavement and startles a small group of crows that were breakfasting on something you'd rather not investigate.
You're rifle is immediately at you shoulder as the flapping of black wings snaps your every muscle and nerve to the height of attention. You laugh at your own jitters, but take a cautionary glance around to be safe.
Something moved, you'd believe it was the wind if you weren't stalking through a valley at that time. Listening now, as if for the first time, you can hear the faint footfalls of something big. A few hundred pounds easy.
You start to call for help, but just as you take the precursory breath, you see it.
It's mane is matted down with blood. One eye is missing, but the other focuses in on you with deadly intent. Long black claws stretch out from each of its four battered paws. Ribs exposed, tail missing, and fur burnt away by futile attempts from other humans to stop this beast.
You quickly try to take aim, in some hopes of, if not saving your own life, perhaps in warning your group.
You regret not bringing a knife, you regret not saying goodbye to your new lover, you regret not being a better friend, but regrets and hopes will not save you as razor sharp teeth, tempered in the blood of hundreds, spills your life blood. You painfully drift off into a slumber, wondering vaguely if you'll rise again to assault your friends, or if this truly is the end.
Band together with me so that we can raise awareness of this horrible, grotesque possibility!! Our children need to know! Our friends need to know! Hell tell the damned mailman next time you see him! I'm sure he will be very surprised when you come running to inform him of the ever increasing Lion Zombie threat!
P.S. If a zombie apocalypse were to happen, I think I'd be pretty alright. Shaken? Most definitely, but I could figure it out. Now, if there are Lion Zombies.
I fuckin' quit.
There is no hope.
Only horrible, devastating defeat.
The End.
I'd quit too! But then again, if there was a Zombie Apocolypse, I would be one of the first to go, so really, Zombie Lions aren't too much of a concern for me. So ... good luck with that!
ReplyDeleteOh c'mon Teej! You'd be fine! You have me! :P Love you, thanks for reading.