Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How I help my friends.

I love to listen to my friends. I generally turn the conversation towards myself after a short period of time, 'cause that's who I am, but I do really enjoy listening.

The skill of listening is a very important one for friends to call upon from time to time. When a buddy goes through some hard times, this is the appropriate procedure:

Person unloads problems at you.

You listen with rapt attention.

Occasionally making a committing sort of noise.

Offer a question or comment that may spiral them closer to tears, but brings them closer to the center of their problems.

And end in a hug.

Everything is good, your friend now feels better. Most likely nothing tangible was accomplished, but just talking is a great way to relieve the stress of every day life.

That's a normal person helps their friends.

I realized that I take a much more "unique" approach:

Friend has concerns. I shall attempt to help them as best I can.

 Attempt 1:

 Attempt 2:

 Attempt 3:

SUCCESS! Friend began drinking with other friends! 

In closure, you can see how great of a person I am to have in your life.


1 comment:

  1. ::Pokes::

    Some times you can poke and listen at the same time :P


I know what you're going to say.