I decided today that I need a mascot.
The idea for the mascot came to me a few days ago, but the word "mascot" just popped into my head.
Also, I have rum.
My mascot is a hard-ass character.
You would never want to mess with him!
He's trained in hand-to-hand combat, knifes, dozens of firearms, and even how to effectively eat you alive...
That's right, my mascot is...
Admiral Goat was thrust into service at a young age. His home farm was ransacked by a roaming gang of thieves, which left Goat in a very emotional place for a few months. After wandering blindly around the countryside he eventually found himself at an animal rally, where he immediately signed on to the force to help hunt down animal cruelty doers.
I don't think his story is particularly funny, but the image is.
Hehe, Goat thinks he's people.
There may be more Goat to come, right now, my glass is empty, and I must fill it.
Good night readers.
P.S. The idea for Admiral Goat came when I was talking to my friend, Carrie "LT" Theis, and I was telling her how I am trying to expand my vocabulary. She said this was an "Admirable Goal." I read "Admirable Goat" and got very excited. Thank you Carrie, you may now brag to all your friends that you helped me. :P
I am sorry Admiral Goat. I will help you stop animal cruelty.