Monday, January 24, 2011


When I was a kid, I was a thinker, I just messed around with everything I could. Every kid loved legos (and if you didn't you're probably a communist, you might wanna get that checked out) and I was no different, but I would try to integrate legos with other things.

This was the start of my inventing career.

I remember being about seven years old, and making my parents sit through a seminar explaining how to use the bathroom. I led the speech, and closed with a fifteen minute explanation about a new addition to the door.

I had, without permission, put a nail into the door, and hung a bit of paper from it using yarn. On one side of this bit of paper it said "Go Away" and on the other side it said "I'm ready now" Why I needed to phrase it like that, only my seven-year-old self would know.

A few months later I came up with the brilliant idea of an allowance for our pets, so that they could buy their own food. Freeloaders. I say "freeloaders" because I remember using that exact phrase in my argument. My parents thought I was adorable, I was dead serious.

I also remember trying to build a string-can telephone system between and my friend who lived about a quarter mile away. It would have worked too, had the string not gotten tangled in the tree.

When my little sister was born I came up with all sorts of uses for her! A doorstop, a napkin, a pillow, when she got big enough to defend herself I started inventing things for her! Like a faster mode of travel down the stairs from the inside of a sleeping bag!

I was a mean big brother, but today her and I are best friends. Lauren this is not your "Friend" post, 'cause I'm saving your's for an epic day (most likely your birthday) but this post is still for you. My favorite person ever.

Love you sis,

1 comment:

  1. so your pets were freeloaders huh? I find the part about the sleeping bag down the stairs really funny cause I can remember me and Emily doing the same thing only with a laundry basket.


I know what you're going to say.