Wednesday, May 11, 2011



I think that's how you spell that, it's how I say anyway. If I find out I both spell AND say that wrong, I'm going to very sad indeed.

Anyway, the possibly misspelled and mispronounced "Oiy" is in reference to the crazy last few weeks that are finally coming to a close!

The show went well, with a sad audience attendance each night though, I don't give a damn about numbers, but I'm sad that the kids put so much work into it and so few people came out to see it. Most of their parents didn't even make the time, that's just wrong.

In the small bit of free time I've had, I've been working on a few projects, one I can't talk about yet for fear of being flayed alive by creatures beyond reason. The other is less dangerous to talk about, I'm finally finishing work on my Dungeons and Dragons world! I'm still adding a lot to the history of this planet, but I wanted to post it here so you could read it and tell me what you think.

You're free to use my ideas for your own campaigns, but start making money with my ideas and I will not be happy. I only say this 'cause it's happened before.

Here it is:

The year is 512.
It has been 512 years since the great war.
It has been 512 years since the world we knew was destroyed.
The druids, 512 years ago, took it upon themselves to return the planet to it's lush and forested state before civilization had developed on its surface.

The magical rite needed for such a powerful spell stripped the planet of almost all it's life force, and failed to restore any of it.

The planet is now one enormous ball of wasteland dotted by small bits of choked greens. The mountains have crumbled filling the seas and killing marine life. The water boiled away and covers the world in pitch black clouds, never falling back down. Animal life still abounds, though most creatures have developed a bloodlust and craving for anything with flesh making the surface incredibly dangerous. Anything the eats the meat from a surface animal may contract the bloodlust and turn into a feral beast itself. There is no proven cure for the bloodlust.

Hundreds of thousands died in the weeks following, wether dying of hunger, being eaten by the beasts or becoming a beast themselves.

The last of the dwarves died four hundred years ago, starved for the stone of the earth.

Any bit of civilization that was in the half-orcs before the scourge quickly washed away as tribes warred over the last remaining bits of food, and lacking any basic medical alchemy most half-orcs were taken by the bloodlust and returned to an even more barbaric lifestyle than before.

What remained of civilized people took to the skies aboard the few flying machines left from the war. There they have lived for some 500 years growing and building these small boats into gigantic flying cities.

Elves and Humans, who had been been fighting side by side against the dwarves before the druidic attack, now blame each other for the drastic measure taken by the druids. Elves say that the humans were the ones who pushed the druids to try "saving" the planet, while the humans say that the magic was elvish in nature so they must take the blame.

Due to the nature of the druids attack, druidism of all kinds is illegal, and it is considered an act of the state to kill anyone performing druidic rites on site.

The sky cities have returned to the ground to find resource deposits over the years and each control a few mines that are heavily guarded and coveted.

Though due to the hostile nature of the land animals very few settlements have been started on the surface.

The spell cast by the druids not only destroyed the planet and set technology back several steps. Because of this, there are many pre-scourge items that no one knows how to replicate or even how to run efficiently, but hundreds depend on the stability of these devices, though after five hundred years the cogs are getting rather rusty..

In the year 128, the humans, led by Price Crey, declared war on the elves. Sending a group of infected half-orcs into the capital city of Faewin, the humans sent a crippling blow throw the elves when the entire royal family was whipped away by the raging orcs.

In a show of un-elf-like haste, they rallied and led a counter attack only a few days later taking two resource mines from the humans by force. Unfortunatly, due to price Crey's incredible short-sightedness there was little to no defense in these mines and hundreds of civilians were slaughtered while defending their homes.

The war drug on for more than a century, the humans forgetting what had started the whole things, while the elves holding onto the grudge for much longer. In the year 242 the elves and humans reached a treaty of sorts. They agreed to a civil war. No more would battles be fought down to the very last man, it become world law that any battle would be decided when one army captured the other army's flag. Troops are required to lay down arms and surrender one mine to the victor. Any attacks following the capture of the flag would result in a court martial hearing and possible death to the offenders.

The human and elvish controlled cities now travel around the globe searching for more resources to claim so they won't be left defensless on the ground. In this way, the planet is being defiled even more and secret sects of druids have rekindled anger to stubbornness to "civilized" peoples.

These few remaining druids infiltrate themselves into the cities and force drastic and often harmful plant growth to explode in certain parts. These druids are killed on site if caught, though they rarely ever are.

Hope you enjoyed!



  1. I love that you have Capture the Flag as a major component of your planet. WIN.

  2. F***ing druids...

    As a matter of fact, it's just common sense to never trust anyone who's class description specifies that they can only wear light armour. Druids, rogues, wizards and sorcerers who have so many feats that they're willing to waste one on light armour proficiency...nothing good has ever come from anyone belonging to these classes.



I know what you're going to say.