Thursday, February 17, 2011

Who's with me!?

So I decided today that I am starting an internet mafia.

I decided this after realizing I watch WAY TO MANY spy shows and what not, and that I have the desire to squirrel away all of my secrets now.

Only problem is, I don't have any secrets, or criminal activity to want to squirrel away in hidden places, like a carved out bible.

So I need to make some criminal activity just so that I can hide it.

Thus I have decided to create an internet mafia.

Not just your usual run-of-the-mill mafia, hell no. We have to grow with the times! We will be online, make our paper trail all digital so we can doctor it however we want!

We will start small and bully other blogs into sending traffic over here so that we will continue to "protect" them, and we'll work our way up to rigging polls, and eventually to internet gambling and cyber-drug trafficking!

You may be wondering from what we will "protect" people.


Yep, Viruses. Everyone is terrified of getting a computer virus, 'cause if you don't know anything about computer, and you don't have a geeky friend, well you might as well just buy a new computer.

But we'll have to make people afraid of blog targeting viruses, so I'll need a few programmers on my payroll also. To avoid Big Brothers watchful eye, I'll call my programmers Blog Tactical Defense Designers. And for nicknames we can call 'em the Big T Double D team!

I got ideas!

...The more I think about this, the more I think it sounds like what McAfee does... O_o

But getting back to my main point, any hard data and pictures that we obtain for black mail or whatnot, would be put into secret places around my headquarters!

Then when the FBI comes knocking on my door looking for evidence, they won't be able to find anything.


I am going to start looking for hiding places this week, I'll post any good ones I find so that you guys can use the ideas too.

I should make a secret code..

If you want in, reply "Seven angry men, sit sipping tonic and gin" and let me know your gang name.

FYI We are not gangstas, we are Gangsters.

You will receive your membership card and tommy gun in six to eight weeks.

This is Great Skot/Scott Free, signing out.

(See what I did there? That's my Gangster name!)


I know what you're going to say.