Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ramble ramble

I'm pretty much drawing a blank right now for what to write, so I'm just gonna babble until something sparks my creative mind.

I'm pretty groggy right now, because for the last three nights I've stayed up until at least four am playing one video game or another..

Today my body decided to forgo it's internal alarm and wake me up at 2 pm instead of my usual 10 am.

So feel like something of a failure, but on the other hand, it made me miss my over-night job at a hotel. I had a lot of fun there. The owners could have used some improvements...but meh.

It was a small enough hotel that my main duty was "holdin' down the fort" I worked from 11 pm to 7 am. Nobody checks in or our during that except a few truckers, and they are really nice people! So my evenings started out rather boring, I would get all my housekeeping and paperwork done by about 1 am, and have another 6 hours of nothing!

I began by bringing books. After burning through a couple a week I moved onto playing some games I could find on the internet.

That bored me after about a week, and I brought my xBox 360 in, and would play it on the big tv in the lobby. Eventually I just started to drag my desktop computer, and monitor there every night and just game.

The owners knew, they didn't  mind. So long as I get my stuff done, and helped out any people who came to the door, they didn't care.

One time, while working there, I showed up only to find a police officer waiting for me.

Being the typical teenager, I was wondering if he knew...Knew what I didn't know, but I was paranoid of him finding out some dirty secret.

With him was a kid a couple years younger than I was, in handcuffs.

Turns out he had caused some problems in a neighboring city and the hotel was being used an exchange between one cities cops and another cities.

The kid looked rough, like life had rolled him down a hill a few times. Only the hill was covered with needles and gross women.

I pitied him, barely an adult, and already on the fast track to Suck.

I 'spose you have start pretty early to screw up that bad.

Well the cops sat with me for a little while and shot the breeze, I've always like most cops, it's the one in five ass-hat cops that ruin the image for everyone.

After about an hour, it became clear that my police buddies didn't like sitting around doing nothing. They looked at me, and said "You're a pretty big guy, if he gives you any trouble just hit him." and they left...

Now, I may have told you already, but I am six foot two, two-hundred pounds of pure pansy. Fighting just does not compute in my mind. It's alright in movies, but if I ever had to hit someone I would stare dumbfounded at my hand while they knifed me and took my wallet.

So the thought of watching some juvenile delinquent while my no-longer-friend cops went to probably eat a donut, was not a thought I enjoyed having.

I'm pretty sure I saw the kid smiling..

I spent the next half hour completely wired. I was pumping so much adrenaline I thought I was going to burst. I kept hearing him move, and I would dart around the desk with a letter opener, convinced he had somehow fashioned a firearm from the two week old magazines siting out there.

I was convinced I wasn't going to make it through the evening. I stopped going to the bathroom, it was only about a half hour wait, but my bladder chose that time to NEED TO PEE!!

Finally another squad car pulled up, a woman cop came in and asked if everything was alright, I told her it was fine and I had it all under control, no big. When I kept dropping things, however, I think she saw how terrified I was.

She took him away, and I finished my night by sleeping on a spare bed.

I miss that job.


P.S. I'm really lazy, so I'm not going to re-read all this. Also, if I did that, I think I would delete it all...It's a bit of a ramble..


  1. Way to not mention the stimulating conversations we would have at 1:40 and then again at 4:00 in the morning!!!

  2. Yeah, or you know who?. Lol, she's a ramble all her own. I could totally rant on her too. I miss a lot of that job too, I like your story about this, lots of interesting nights there, I know.


I know what you're going to say.