Sunday, January 30, 2011

An old piece of me.

I was thinking about some blog ideas the other day, when my mind, as it is wont to do, started to wander, and I began thinking about the first story I ever wrote. I was in the third grade, (so what is that, 8?) and we had to write and illustrate our very own short story. 

I wrote a depressing little piece about a tornado and the monsters inside, I think "Twister" may have recently been released...

I made a quick phone call to my mom and employed her help in finding this ancient assignment. She did, and I now have sitting before me, "Tornado Terror".

Even when I was young, I loved alliterations. 

Having read through the thing a few times, I have decided it is time to share with the world the creative genius of my young(er) mind.

I will type up the story exactly as it appears in the story and include pictures of my drawings from all those years ago, then, in a few days, I will retell the story in my current voice, and with my current drawing talents (Hahaha) I will re-illustrate the story.

Note: The entire story is hand written/drawn, each capital letter is about an inch tall, and there are very few periods or commas. Also, the first page is in cursive, the following ones are not. I've always hated cursive, sure it looks pretty, but it's hard to read.

This color is my 8-year-old self.
This color is my current self, mocking my 8-year-old self.

Paragraphs added for dramatic effect. (And to break up the solid brick of text.)

   In the morning I started to walk to the bus stop when the bus wasn't there. It was 8:06 a Tuseeday (here is where the cursive ends...didn't take long) morning in April, a perf ect day except thatthe bus wasn't there. Then my mom called me in she said to run! (Exclamation points are fun!) There was a...(Like alliterations, I've always been a sucker for ellipsis') ...TORNADO. (No exclamations there...) 

I ran as fast as I could run but I wasn't fast enough. (Cliche hehe) It was catching up. I yelled at the top of my lungs. All of a sudden I was in this very, very weird place. (Hey! Lookie there! I spelled "weird" right. Nice!") 

It wasn't home. I've never seen it before yet it was familiar. (Is it now?)

Then it hit me. (Oh good, I was worried) I built this place with legos, I call it Tornado tower or T.T. for short. (A. No I didn't. B. It doesn't need an acronym!) 

All I wanted to do is go to school run the mile come home sit back and relax then go to bed. (Nope. All I wanted to do, was to get up at noon, watch TV, eat ice cream, and learn how to use commas.) Instead I end in this, this thing. 

GGGERRR. I turned a round. Nothing I heard it again, I looked. Again nothing. Just then I saw it. It was TALL, twice my size and I'm 4'9'' (I doubled over with laughter here, I thought I was so big back then.) 

H must have hit his head on a lot of doors. (YES! I said "A lot" not "Alot") Like they have any. (oo, I was snarky) 

He had 3 horns. his tongue had to be 3 feet long. His drool was bright green he was bright yellow and his eyes were gLowing green. (At least he was fashionable) 

He's getting closer, closer......and then he was gone. I knew he'd come back...

It was a week since I got here and I was in America and now in China and heading for Germany GERRRR HISSSS AHHHHHH 2 Monsters the one I saw before and a new one. It looks like a walking snake. (That's called an alligator, young Skot/Scott) Spikes on it's back, it's sides and tail. 

I knew I was dead. (Apparently not.)

Luckily I escaped the T.T. and the two horrible monsters, made it back to school, ran the mile (got something around 18 minutes) and went home to bed.

I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much I did, and I hope that the added Text made it more fun. I'll post the story without the additions at the end here, in case you had trouble reading. 

As I said before, I will be rewriting and re-illustrating this story later in the week, it might take until next week, though. This is a tough act to follow.

I chose to add a picture of the first page's text, I threw in a quarter so you can compare the size of it to the size of the text.


P.S. I somehow managed to choose a text background color, and I can't figure out how to get rid of it..If anyone is smarter than me, AND knows how to fix this, send me a message.

   In the morning I started to walk to the bus stop when the bus wasn't there. It was 8:06 a Tuseeday morning in April, a perf ect day except thatthe bus wasn't there. Then my mom called me in she said to run! There was a......TORNADO. 

    I ran as fast as I could run but I wasn't fast enough. It was catching up. I yelled at the top of my lungs. All of a sudden I was in this very, very weird place.

It wasn't home. I've never seen it before yet it was familiar.

Then it hit me. I built this place with legos, I call it Tornado tower or T.T. for short. 

All I wanted to do is go to school run the mile come home sit back and relax then go to bed. Instead I end in this, this thing. 

GGGERRR. I turned a round. Nothing I heard it again, I looked. Again nothing. Just then I saw it. It was TALL, twice my size and I'm 4'9'' H must have hit his head on a lot of doors. Like they have any.

He had 3 horns. his tongue had to be 3 feet long. His drool was bright green he was bright yellow and his eyes were gLowing green.

He's getting closer, closer......and then he was gone. I knew he'd come back...

It was a week since I got here and I was in America and now in China and heading for Germany GERRRR HISSSS AHHHHHH 2 Monsters the one I saw before and a new one. It looks like a walking snake. Spikes on it's back, it's sides and tail. 

I knew I was dead.


  1. I also made a book early on in elementary school.. Although, mine was about unicorns and not Tornado monsters!

  2. Is it sad if 19 year-old me is only 5 inches taller than 8 year-old you? Also, I loved the added commentary

  3. This is real cute again. I've read it about 10 times since I found it again. I'm looking forward to seeing you new version, but to a mum nothing will compare to the original version. No offense. This is very cute!!!

  4. Black Pearl: You should find your's and post it on your blog.

    LT: Yes, yes it is. And I'm glad you liked it, I was a little worried that it would get annoying.


I know what you're going to say.